March meeting

Jan 23, 2011
Perris 92571
My Tank Build
Hello SCR members and guests.

I’m Eric Mac the acting president of IEMAS. I’m wanting to get a meeting together for March. I’d really like to put it in the second weekend of the month. So 3/10-3/12.
I’ve always thought Saturday noonish was best for people. For one I know some people go to church on Sunday. Then after they get the shopping and all the things done before the week starts, like groceries and home supplies.
Then if all ways hated Friday night meetings for one who really wants to deal with a bunch of reef nerds after sitting in socal traffic on a Friday night, (Fuck that nonsense).
I thought Saturday afternoons were good cause maybe you can break away from the ball in chain for a good hour or two then still have plenty enough time to get home and make it for date night.
I would really like some input from people.
If your interested in attending a live in person meeting please speak your mind. If it’s the fact that you don’t like me and I stink or something. Please tell me shit I know I can’t please anyone. Never hear the expression if you haven’t made a few enemies over your life you did it wrong,

Ok I know other clubs have a large bank account and solid connections in the reefing hobby. They have the ability to give away high dollar items at the meetings. Sorry this club isn’t there. What we can offer is a local group of guys that have plenty of knowledge keeping healthy reef aquariums. Also I personally know that being in a local reef club is one of the best ways to get to know your local reefers. The friendships I have made over the last 20 something years of being in this hobby are a great group of people.
So all I’m saying let’s build a solid foundation of supporting reefs in the IE and get some meetings going and some members.
Well Saturday 3/11/23 around 1pm work for you? If not please voice your opinions

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